Read & Write

Read & Write

To be able to work with MOBILedit properly, it is important to understand the Read  (or Re-read) and Write features. Even though it may look like MOBILedit works with a mobile phone in real-time, that is not the case. Technically, the data is being retrieved from the phone in the first stage. Then, this data is being modified in the programs memory. Consequentially, the modified data is being written into the phone altogether. To save the data into the phone, you need to launch the writing process.


  • The Read button retrieves the content from a phone.
  • The Write button saves changes into the phone.

Responsible buttons can be found on the toolbar.

When you want to work with the phone content, you need to retrieve the data first. The data is automatically read when accessing an item for the first time (Phonebook, SMS, Organizer, etc). Every other time, you have to click the Read button to reflect changes, that may have possibly occurred in the meantime.

When you make an edit in the device's content, you need to click the Write button to save the changes. Otherwise, the changes will not be saved. The changes waiting to be saved are marked by red fontcolor.

Working with files doesn't require writing. File transfers are done in real-time.

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