

Uninstalling MOBILedit is a simple process following standard uninstall procedures. You can uninstall the program with any of the following methods:

  • Windows XP - Find MOBILedit in "Add/Remove" programs under the control panel. Launch the uninstallation by clicking the "Remove" button.
  • Windows Vista and newer - Find MOBILedit in "Programs and Features" under the control panel. Select MOBILedit and launch the uninstallation by clicking the "Uninstall/Change" button.
  • Select the "Uninstall" MOBILedit item in Start/All Programs/MOBILedit

First you will be asked if you want to remove your Activation. We highly recommend removing your activation of MOBILedit from the PC because it will disconnect your license from that PC so you will have no trouble reinstalling the program on another computer with the same key in the future if you decide to.

If you choose to uninstall the program, you may want to keep the user files (e.g. backups, archive content, settings,...). All the files which you created will remain in the user's folder. If you want to delete all MOBILedit files, use the appropriate checkbox. Keep in mind, that user files include your backups and offline devices. Deleting them is irreversible.

You can delete, copy or move the user files manually. The file path below shows how to find the user's folder with default settings:

  • Windows XP
    • C:\Documents and Settings\[CURRENT USER]\Application Data\MOBILedit

  • Windows Vista and newer 
    • C:\Users\[CURRENT USER]\AppData\Roaming\MOBILedit

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