Internet connection errors are caused by a few different things. It is likely that is caused by one of three common causes:
- The use of a proxy connection
- Access blocked by the firewall
- The access being blocked by an antivirus.
If you are unsure of what to do to try following the instructions below:
- Search "Internet Options" from START menu (Opened with the Windows key)
- Click on "Advanced" tab
- Click on "Restore Advanced Settings" within this tab.
- Search for "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" in the and open the application
- Look through "Inbound Rules" and "Outbound Rules" for anything related to MOBILedit
- If there are any rules in place for MOBILedit to block it from accessing anything, delete that rule.
- Open your antivirus software
- Go into settings and search for an exclusions or white-list
- Add MOBILedit to this list
- If this doesn't work you could send a report to your antivirus provider enforming them it is a false positive.
If you experience any further issues please do not hesitate to contact us.