Android Phone Copier

Android Phone Copier

 Operations with Phone copier:

  • Manage Internet Storage account - redirect to Phone Copier Internet Storage account administration
  • Upload Contacts - upload your phonebook to the Phone Copier server, the entire communication is securely encrypted. 
    • Start uploading - login and start to upload data
  • Download Contacts - download contacts and add them directly into your phonebook. Be careful as multiple usage of this function always adds contacts so you could end up with duplicates.
    • Start downloading - login and download and add data
  • Backup phone - backup your phone data such as phonebook, messages, settings, etc.
    • Set options - specify items for backup
    • Backup now - backup will be saved to an MEA file  in the root of your memory card
  • Restore phone - restore data from an MEA file created by Backup
    • Set options - choose items for restore
    • Choose backup file - select MEA file 
    • Restore now - data will be restored  
  • Delete all contacts - clear your contacts 
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